UniSysCat Gallery 2022

UniSysCat Retreat at MPICI in Potsdam

Video: How UniSysCat researchers model nature and learn from it

Video: Photocatalytic production of hydrogen

Videos: Performances at the Science Slam @ Berlin Science Week

UniSysCat @ Berlin Science Week 2022: Science Slam of Berlin's EXC

UniSysCat @ Berlin Science Week 2022: Meet The Scientist with Prof. Joachim Heberle

UniSysCat @ Berlin Science Week 2022: Paneldiscussion on energy security in Urania Berlin

Video: "Making the world better with chemistry" - Inaugural Lecture on Green Chemistry by John Warner on September 5, 2022 at TU Berlin

Inaugural Lecture by John Warner - Videos

Visit of students from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Inaugural Lecture of Honorary Professor John Warner

Meet the Scientist with Jovan Dragelj: "A Virtual Science"

Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2022

UniSysCat at Mall Anders - June 20-25, 2022

Berlin's Clusters of Excellence present: Laborastories in Mall Anders with Sabine Oldemeyer from UniSysCat

Clara Immerwahr Award Ceremony 2022

Impressions of the EC2/BIG-NSE Retreat 2022

Berlin's Clusters of Excellence present: Meet The Scientist in Mall Anders with Nadia Elghobashi-Meinhardt from UniSysCat

Video of "Ein exzellenter Science Slam" in Mall Anders Berlin

Berlin's Clusters of Excellence present: Science Slam in Mall Anders with Victor Nicolaus from UniSysCat

Meet the Scientist with Sabine Oldemeyer: "How does a flower know it's time to bloom?"

MitWissenschaft "Ist die Chemie von morgen grün? Warum Katalyse alles verändert."

New exhibits in Humboldtlabor installed