UniSysCat is not a pure research network - we place great emphasis on knowledge and technology transfer between its research institutions and all sectors of society. We make an active contribution to ensuring that scientific knowledge gained in UniSysCat can be further developed and used in the interest of society - and our planet!
This transfer is based on two approaches:
On the one hand, UniSysCat aims to actively move ideas from science to application based on founding. To do so, UniSysCat is strengthening its transfer activities in the Berlin area, focusing on promoting chemical start-ups. With the large market of graduates from the three Berlin universities and the University of Potsdam, the area already has a well-established scene of founders, with about 70% of all German chemistry start-ups located in Berlin. In this context, UniSysCat was able to establish two centers for talent development: the Chemical Invention Factory with the INKULAB and GreenCHEM. Both organizations work hand in hand forming a network, which is called CIFamily (see below).
On the other hand, long-term cooperations with partners from industry are to be established and to be continued. An example of a successful collaboration with an industrial partner is that with BASF SE, which led to the establishment of the BasCat joint laboratory (see below). Other industrial cooperations will be continued, for instance with Bayer and DexLeChem, which is a spin-out of UniSysCat's predecessor project UniCat.
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