Research data management (RDM) is the key concept to transfer research in catalysis and catalysis related science into a digital future and hence, to generate FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data. In five interactive modules, the RDM School of Catalysis wants to convey the most important aspects of research data management, from basics of RDM to legal particulars. The workshop will cover all relevant aspects of RDM in the applied workflows in catalysis as well as practical advice, guidelines and tools, such as electronic lab notebooks. As the workshop is beginner friendly, no prior knowledge of RDM is required.
RDM Basics
Learn about the key factors of RDM, metadata, the life cycle of data and first steps to integrate RDM into the workflow.
Data Modelling and Databases
Describes basic concepts of data modelling, databases, and uses of databases in research.
Data Management Tools and Plans
Create plans for data management, requirements from funding agencies, tools and guidelines for FAIR RDM in research.
Publication and Legal Issues
Methods and aspects of the publication of data, laws, agreements and policies in RDM.
Networking and Presentation
Strategies and legal aspects of the reuse and sharing of data, repositories and options to gain visibility.