We are delighted to announce the XI MoTEC conference
on Molybdenum and Tungsten enzymes in Potsdam July 7-12 2019
Registration closes March 31 2019
Abstracts are accepted until April 30 2019
Please share the news with your group and partners.
About MoTEC 2019
The conference on Molybdenum and Tungsten enzymes is a conference series that was initiated in 1999 by Russ Hille and Ed Stiefel.
The conference in Potsdam is the XI conference in this series. The scope of the Molybdenum & Tungsten enzymes conference is to cover all areas of research related to molybdenum and tungsten-containing enzymes ranging from cofactor synthesis, enzyme structure and function, regulation in their role in health and disease in addition to environmental aspects. This time, there is a satellite meeting before the conference of the SPP1927 “FeS for Life” which covers various aspects on FeS assembly and enzymes, with a significant overlap to topics covered by the MoTEC conference.
With this conference we intend to provide you an inspiring scientific program with a mixture of renowned speakers in the field in addition to young researchers. We especially encourage young scientists to participate in the conference.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Potsdam.
Plenary speakers
Frederic Barras (Paris)
John Enemark (Tucson)
Peter Kroneck (Konstanz)
Douglas C. Rees (Caltech)
Speaker list
Bernd Clement (Kiel)
Günter Schwarz (Cologne)
Ulrike Kappler (Bisbane)
Albert Misko (Harvard)
Tamaki Suganuma (Kansas City)
Ulf Ryde (Lund)
Maria Romao (Lisbon)
Ken Okamoto (Tokyo)
Enrico Garattini (Milano)
Claudio Greco (Milano)
Jose Moura (Lisbon)
Martin Kirk (Albuquerque)
Matthias Boll (Freiburg)
Frank Sargent (Newcastle)
Bruno Guigliarelli (Marseille)
Russ Hille (Riverside)
Graham George (Saskatchewan)
Petra Wendler (Potsdam)
Sharon Burgmayer (Bryn Mawr)
Partha Basu (Indianapolis, IUPUI)
Vincent Fourmond (Marseille)
Paul Bernhard (Brisbane)
Carola Schulzke (Greifswald)
Nadja Mösch-Zanetti (Graz)
Ines Pereira (Lisbon)
Yongguang Tao (Central South University, Changsha, China)
Barbara Schoepp-Cothenet (Marseille)
Axel Magalon (Marseille)
Ralf Mendel (Braunschweig)
Kenichi Yokoyama (Durham)
Hermann Schindelin (Würzburg)
Lance Seefeld (Utah)
Brian Hoffmann (Evanston)
Oliver Einsle (Freiburg)
Dennis Dean (Blacksburg)
Yilin Hu (Irvine)
Serena DeBeer (Mühlheim)