UniSysCat group of Prof. Matthias Driess has been portayed for "WissenAusBerlin"

Start Time: Wednesday, November 17, 2021 10:33 am

End Time:

We've been filmed! The UniSysCat team of Prof. Driess from Technical University Berlin got the chance to explain their research for "WissenAusBerlin" - the Youtube channel of the Berlin University Alliance. Matthias Driess explains why he is so fascinated about catalysis research, he introduces you to the difficulties and possibilities in the research of UniSysCat and shows how catalysis research affects your every-day life.

The new series which portrays researchers from the seven Clusters of Excellence in Berlin will be launched in the beginning of 2022. We're very excited to be part of it!

"WissenAusBerlin" is the film channel from the Berlin University Alliance, the merger of Free University of Berlin, Humboldt University of Berlin, Technical University Berlin and Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin. The channel wants to show how exciting science is. Here, Berlin scientists talk about how they try to answer the big questions of our time.

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