Dr. Benjamin Steininger on fossil oil and its role in our world

Start Time: Friday, November 20, 2020 12:30 pm

End Time:

Fossil oil (Erdöl) - what is it and what is its role in our world? Dr Benjamin Steininger, UniSysCat member and research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, discusses just that together with Alexander Klose in their most recent book 'Erdöl: Ein Atlas der Petromoderne' (in German).

Bayern 2 Radio published a podcast with Benjamin Steininger who summarizes the impact of fossil oil on our society and what it means for us (in German): www.br.de/radio/bayern2/sendungen/kulturwelt/erdoel-ein-neues-buch-untersucht-den-grundstoff-unserer-zeit-102.html

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