What's UniSysCat all about?

UniSysCat stands for Unifying Systems in Catalysis. We are a Cluster of Excellence - more than 300 researchers from four universities and four research institutes in the Berlin and Potsdam area - working jointly together on current challenges in the highly relevant field of catalysis.

UniSysCat unites biologists, chemists, engineers and physicists with the aim to revolutionize catalysis research.


Two UniSysCat research groups joined their efforts to obtain experimental evidence for vibrational energy transfer in proteins. In computer simulations, mapping energy transfer is fairly easy - but experimental evidence is…

In a joined collaboration, the groups of Lauterbach and Nestl designed an enzymatic cascade for the H2-driven synthesis of nitrogen-heterocycles.

During the first general meeting of UniSysCat, the executive board of the Excellence Cluster "Unifying Systems in Catalysis" was elected on Friday, Jan 11, 2019. Prof. Arne Thomas (TU Berlin) was elected speaker

2018 Nov 30, the Einstein Foundation has approved the application for the funding of Module 3 of the Einstein Center of Catalysis. A total of 8.4 million euros will be available from 2019 to 2025, parallel to the funding of…

How to Understand and Utilize Networks in Catalysis

Einzigartiges Ökystem für grüne Chemie in Berlin

Wunderwerk der Natur: ein Enzym, das klima­neutral Energie liefert

Energie-Zeitenwende: Video with Youtuber Tom Bötticher


Unifying Systems in Catalysis (UniSysCat) is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany´s Excellence Strategy – EXC 2008– 390540038