What's UniSysCat all about?

UniSysCat stands for Unifying Systems in Catalysis. We are a Cluster of Excellence - more than 300 researchers from four universities and four research institutes in the Berlin and Potsdam area - working jointly together on current challenges in the highly relevant field of catalysis.

UniSysCat unites biologists, chemists, engineers and physicists with the aim to revolutionize catalysis research.


Markus Antonietti, member of UniSysCat, receives the 2020 Hermann Staudinger Award for excellence in macromolecular chemistry.

UniSysCat warmly welcomes Dr. Tobias Gensch as new Junior Research Group leader in the cluster of excellence.

UniSysCat welcomes Franziska Hess, who is appointed as junior professor for chemical catalysis at TU Berlin since April 2020, at the Institute of Chemistry. With her expertise, she will strengthen the research in area A and D…

We are pleased to announce that Peter Hegemann, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, has received the Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine 2020 together with Gero Miesenböck of Oxford University and Georg Nagel of the…

UniSysCat gives a warm welcome to Dr. Marius Horch as a new Junior Research Group leader in the field of Ultrafast Dynamics in Catalysis in the cluster of excellence.

The team of UniSysCat researcher Beatriz Roldán Cuenya was able to exploit the dynamic structural and chemical nature of Cu surfaces under pulsed electrocatalytic reaction conditions to convert the greenhouse gas CO2 into a…

In an interdisciplinary approach, six UniSysCat-related research groups investigated the isolated core unit of a [NiFe]-hydrogenase, which displays basic catalytic properties and may serve as blueprint for chemically…

Scientific researchers at UniSysCat are collaborating on a research project to evaluate the immune status of the population against COVID-19.

Prof. Dr. Juri Rappsilber from the TU-Berlin is working together with other colleagues from the TUB and the Charite on the SARS-CoV-2 virus. They are collecting specific information regarding structure and interaction of…

The collaboration of three UniSysCat group of Petra Wendler and of Silke Leimkühler (University of Potsdam) and Christian Teutloff from the Bittl group located at FU Berlin obtained detailed insight into the structure and…

Einzigartiges Ökystem für grüne Chemie in Berlin

Wunderwerk der Natur: ein Enzym, das klima­neutral Energie liefert

Energie-Zeitenwende: Video with Youtuber Tom Bötticher


Unifying Systems in Catalysis (UniSysCat) is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany´s Excellence Strategy – EXC 2008– 390540038