A UniSysCat team has shown that it is possible to study proteins, such as a chloride pump, in living cells using time-resolved IR and UV/Vis spectroscopy.
The Berlin University Alliance showcases Berlin's exceptional research landscape, bringing the people behind the science closer. Under the motto “How can chemistry become more sustainable?” they present UniSysCat.
A team around UniSysCat group leader Adam Lange shows a new way how to measure the interaction of membrane proteins with different lipids and the influence of lipid exchange on the stability and activity of the protein.
This year's Nobel prize in chemistry goes to David Baker, Demis Hassabis and John M. Jumper for their achievements in protein research. UniSysCat warmly congratulates!
The expert of cellular structural biology Prof. Dr. Philipp Selenko from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rechovot, Israel visited the lab of UniSysCat‘s spokesperson Prof. Dr. Juri Rappsilber for five months this year.
Prof. Dr. Graham Hutchings from Cardiff University wins this year's Gerhard Ertl Lecture Award for his pioneering work on novel heterogeneous catalysts, in particular with gold nanocrystals and gold-palladium alloy catalysts.
The 'Atlas of Petromodernity' written by UniSysCat Postdoc Benjamin Steininger and Alexander Klose consists of forty-four short essays on the era of petroleum modernity. Their book is now available for open access download…
A team around the UniSysCat groups of Holger Dobbek, Petra Wendler and Athina Zouni visualize the structure of photosystem II at unprecedented resolution - thanks to cryo-electron microscopy.
A team of UniSysCat scientists from TU Berlin, Fritz-Haber-Institut and BasCat (UniCat BASF JointLab) developed a new catalyst for propane dehydrogenation based on cobalt nanoclusters.