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UniSysCat research team participates in the H2020 Marie-Curie trainings network ConCO2rde - 11 open PhD positions

The EU-funded ConCO2rde project focuses on autotrophic biorefineries, which are powered by H2 and transforms CO2 from a pollutant into a renewable resource. The research topics cover the combination of synthetic biology methods with metabolic and process engineering and H2/CO2/O2-based fermentation.

The ConCO2rde consortium consist of nine industrial partners and six universities including TU Berlin with Dr. Lars Lauterbach from the UniSysCat group of Dr. Oliver Lenz. The training network will provide the required tools and preparing the next generation of researchers for the implementation of sustainable autotrophic processes in the EU’s biotech sector. Are you interested to join our interdisciplinary team?

Find more information and apply at: until January 31st 2021.