About the Symposium
Recombinant proteins are the most important biotechnological products. They are particularly important for medical and
biotechnological applications. As almost any chemical reaction can be catalyzed by proteins under mild conditions, they
represent an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical synthesis. In order to meet the demand for the required
proteins, appropriate bioprocesses must be developed for their efficient and cost-effective production on an industrial
scale. On the one hand, Escherichia coli is a promising host for heterologous protein production as it can be grown very
fast to very high cell densities, on the other hand heterologous production of many interesting proteins is challenging and
they are considered as “difficult-to-express-proteins”. Within the symposium we want to address such challenges e.g.
formation of disulfide bonds, non-canonical amino acids, glycosylation, production of membrane proteins,
metalloproteins or super large proteins.
The symposium aims to bring about 60-80 scientists from the field together and will especially focus on interesting
expression systems and strategies. We will open up room to bring researchers together to discuss possible solutions for
tackling these challenges.
• Strain engineering
• Strain libraries
• Cell free systems
• Disulfid bonds
• Selenoproteins
• Elastines
• Metalloproteins
• Protein engineering
Organizers: BioProScale e.V. & Bio-PAT e.V. in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Peter Neubauer, Chair of Bioprocess Engineering, TU Berlin
Registration (Participation & Sponsoring): https://eveeno.com/176255980
Contact: Dr. Matthias Gimpel, matthias.gimpel@tu-berlin.de & Prof. Peter Neubauer, peter.neubauer@tu-berlin.de
More information: https://www.tu.berlin/bioprocess