Invitation to this year's EC2/BIG-NSE Workshop
As every year once their "initial phase" is finished, the new PhD students of EC2/BIG-NSE have the opportunity to present their PhD work plan in front of the UniSysCat community.
The first presentation is planned to start at about 13:10 and the last one to finish around 17:30. Scope of the presentations ranges from theory to application on all aspects of catalysis: Organic/Inorganic chemistry, heterogeneous catalysis, biotechnologies, biocatalysis etc.: all interested scientists are welcome!
Preliminary program
13:00-13:10 Maria Andrea Mroginski, EC2 director: Welcoming Words
13:10-13:35 Warisha Tahir: " Interfacial catalysts for overall water splitting (InterCat)"
13:35-14:00 Yaxin Liu: " Application of substitutional and intermetallic alloys to carbon dioxide hydrogenation by tandem catalysts"
14:00-14:25 Badr/Elkamash: "Stabilization of RuO2 electrocatalysts by surface modification for water splitting under operating conditions"
14:25-14:45 Coffee break
14:45-15:10 Yao Xiao: " C(sp3)-Si cross-coupling asymmetric synthesis of alpha-silyl alpha-aminoacids"
15:10-15:35 Francisco De La Fuente/Kratzborn: " Development and scale-up of a fed-batch process for heterologous hydrogenase production in E. coli"
15:35-16:00 Liza Kobeleva: " Understanding catalyst reactions by time-resolved spectroscopy and mathematic modeling"
16:00-16:20 Coffee break
16:20-16:45 María González Viegas: "Flavin/protein interactions that differently shape the reactivities of the two cofactors in bifurcating electron transfer flavoproteins"
16:45-17:10 Anushka Ghosh: " Semi-artificial metallo-enzymes for CO2 reduction and oxygenation"
17:10-17:30 Maria Andrea Mroginski, EC2 director: Closing remarks
After the EC2/BIG-NSE workshop, the annual UniSysCat New Year's reception will take place on the empore in front of the room C 130 at Technische Universität Berlin. All UniSysCat members are welcome!
EC2/BIG-NSE is a doctoral program on the field of catalysis funded by the Einstein Foundation Berlin. It is located a TU-Berlin but involves several other Berlin research institutions. Please find further information on the EC2/BIG-NSE workshop and other events of the graduate program on the website of EC2/BIG-NSE.