As every year once their "Initial Phase" is finished, the new PhD students of EC2/BIG-NSE have the great opportunity to present their PhD work plan in front of the UniSysCat community.
All presentations will take place on Friday, January 10, 2019, within the annual EC2/BIG-NSE workshop.
The first presentation is planned to start at about 12:50 and the last one to finish around 18:00. Scope of the presentations ranges from theory to application on all aspects of catalysis: Organic/Inorganic chemistry, heterogeneous catalysis, biotechnologies, biocatalysis etc.: all interested scientists are welcome!
Venue is Room C264 in the old Chemistry Building of the TU.
After the presentations, New Year Party of UniSysCat/Einstein Center of Catalysis will start.
Please feel free to join us!